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Friday, July 31, 2009

I have decided. Im closing down this blog for a very long while, and since I dont have my tagboard anymore ); i wont be able to chat with anyone, or cant tell if someone tagged me. Big SIGHS!

I just realised something very saddening- to me, myself. My life is pathetic, especially the school life. :( Nothing good ever happens, and worst of all, even most teachers ignore me or dont even know who i am. Not one, but many~ throughout the 4 years.
Maybe its just because im not outstanding nor am i talkative or naughty. im just a quiet girl that doesnt stands out and hides in a corner; like.. like a shadow. pfft.
Prelim's starting nxt week, continuously. O_O'' I cant stand the stress and nervousness, my stomach always ache before the paper even start and not to mention, my super sweaty palm..
Let's see, Olevel is just 87 days away. ;O Just being reminded that its just a few short months away makes me soooooooo scared~! if the prelim results comes out bad, im going to be so demoralised.
Even though i dont look like it, im always really really depressed when i fail the tests, but, humanities doesnt count! :] its my worst subject, so i somehow 'expected' to fail it already. But hopefully, not the prelims~
I guess its goodbye now.
Sunday, June 07, 2009

I hate yesterday. Not only did I have to wake up earlier than usual, i ended up being tired and waited for so long till the stupid CIP thingy starts. ):
Marlene and me are the only girls in our class. SAD. i'll be so lonely without her. :] Reached the meeting place but couldnt find the 'booth' that teacher said. So walked around and around, than ate at BK.
the form stated '11am-3pm' but it started at 12 and ended at 3.30. -.- okay, everyone was super unhappy with whoever oraganised it.
received bags of erm.. windmills, and went around the hub to ask people to donate money and give them the windmill.
I could have relax when marlene finished her bag, if i gave chershyun the correct number, than i wouldnt have tired myself out for so long! >.<>
There was one person who was really, really hardworking, weiqing. OMG. he did 6+ bags, and even helped some people too! He's scary~ :x
I envy those who went today. at least they can get to see xiaozhu on stage, so close! :o
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Knew all my results. it isnt very good or very bad. (: at least, i improve some subjects and failed one, badly?

Physics improved the most, i think. From last year C5 improve to A2. MYE was A1, but combined with CA it turns to a A2. AHH~ better than getting a B or C or even D (: Im so happy, this was the first time i get so good for phy. :D LuckyLucky~ im gloating now~ hahahaa. Cant be too satisfied now, phys is just getting harder from now on ):
Emaths was always my better subject, out of the others. But Amaths was damn hard! Im just lucky i managed to pass by a little.
Dont want to talk abt my languages, its as bad as always. hahaha.
Yah. Combine science. Im so glad i collapsed it. If not, i'll be failing my pure sciences now. Hmm, lets see. I didnt expect my chem to be better than bio. I thought bio was easier, but its harder~ Chem won bio by 2 marks. ;D hahahaha. not much difference. But, bio pulled my grades down ): Worst still, my CA pulled the grade down by one. SIGHS.
ARGH~! Im starting to hate humanities. Pure memory work = easier? Like hell! My memory is bad and failing me now. How do you expect me to memorise so much, when i dont even know which comes out or not. And worst still, those i memorised didnt come out at ALL! ): Im so pissed off by it.
One underlined subject on my report book now. Its not like i never had it before, just not my humanities. I managed to pass safely everytime, borderline. But im not so lucky with it this time round. :]

Wellwell, halfday of mother tongue and i dont think i learnt much. MT olevel starts on next mon, goodluck 'minna-san'!

June holi is just 2 weeks later. Im so going to relax but at the same time, get stress too! Prelim is just after the holi. SIGHS. ):
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Today sucks. Its extremely hot and stuffy no matter where i go to, except in aircon rooms :D It feel nicer.. anywhere is nicer except the outdoor!

Went SDC at abt 8, when school started at 7. waited for so long, than its our turn to board the bus and it took 1 hour to get thr! :(
The 'game' show was kinda funny. after that was the walk. Boring much, and we are all getting heat stroke. ):
something interesting happened. (: The bus emits smoke from the inside. didnt smell it though and i dont want to, but i think they say its smelly~ hahaha. Everyone immediately got off and went to a better and much nicer bus. I wonder --if a phone rang when we are still in that bus filled with smoke, will it go BOOM? hahhaa. i'll be dead by now.

june holiday is a week later, so is the MT olevel. SIGHS. plus, theres still Ta2. .__. when can i have a relaxing holiday without getting stress!
Friday, May 15, 2009

I can relax now~ But theres still 3 more papers to go.
Amaths - the hardest maths, combined science MCQs, and o level mother tongue. SIGHS. and theres even a physics spa on marking day, when everyone is resting at home while we go for test. ):

I wont complain much. :D Everything cant be changed now. hahaaa.
this year geog will be the first ever humanities paper that majority of the cohort fail! I bet. I have the time to finish all, but i didnt do that one question worth 8 marks. byebye, that worthless 8 marks. :p
bio, chem and emaths was.. kinda okay. im soooo glad i collapsed to combine science, if not, i'll fail.
Lisa cant take it anymore! hahahhaa. She was complaining that this year is the worst year and that all her effort for the past years are wasted. :x Well, its not THAT bad. This is only the midyear. its not very impt anyways.
Hearing good news brightens me up, but it doesnt last long~ Receiving my papers back will definitely demoralised me.
The worst part is the o level. (:

がんばって~ 7 more months and we are free from all this.
Saturday, April 18, 2009

17 again was hilarious. :D He looks so cool. hahahha. :p
skipped cross-country this year. and im in for big trouble ? but, im prepared anyways. if tcher asks for the letter, than i'll write one. if she doesnt, i will forget all abt it :x
watch 17 again at gv. and visited the new mall. didnt walk for long, becos we are all HUNGRY ~! so went to eat straight away after michelle was done with her specs.
i want to buy specs too ! but my budget is less than 100.. what kind of specs can i buy with only that amount. sighs. guess i have to wear contact lens forever now. :]
today was fun, sort of. (: Only if more people went, and if theres a clique again. but too bad, we are splited, mostly.
its like DeJaVu. the drifting apart feeling again, for me. none survives pass a year. sadly ):

mye time. YAY! ;[
i dont even have the mood to study now. and im tired plus stressed when it comes to homework.
im really scared now. the english paper i took thursday. the compo was kinda strange, rush and off-topic ? and it sounds so much like exposition rather than narrative story.
No ideas on the other topics, so no choice. FAITH, was the title. and i started with:
"Students tend to lose faith when it comes to exams and tests."
exposition comes to mind, but theres a story next. its.. kinda lame. ): sighs. pray that i will at least get a pass.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I wonder, if the sweet landed on someone or maybe someone's head ! hahaa.
it was damn funny. I threw the sweet, landed on the table behind, but jumped, he slapped it or tried to catch it, and out it flew through the window. ! I laughed out loud immediately ! and couldnt stop thinking abt it. hahahaha. ;D

Bio was slightly, only slightly not so boring today. went to the garden to pluck flowers. Heartbreaks when those beautiful ones were pluck and peeled. :(
a bug landed on me, as usual when im near gardens. disgusting ! it landed on my cheek, and slapped onto my clothes and away it flew. YUCKS. my face iched for an hour. :x

Mentally and Physically weak. Thats for sure.
Flunk few subs, and did not that good for the rest. Even my so-called best subject, maths, is going to fail.
im not like somebody who is already used to failing maths. hahaha. ;p
never gotten gold before, and even silver. hais. my body is weak, not the athletic type.

Im that lazy person who doesnt study when its time to.
and needless to say, im also that starfish with no brains ! (:
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Omg. I didnt think April Fool's Day could be so funny. It was my friend that was played by a prank, and we laughed and laughed, 笑到爆. hahhaha !
nobody bothered to trick me today. its just like any other boring normal day.
EXCEPT ! we changed our seats once again, still as bad as before, but a little better this time. not so squeezy, but she go switched seats.
she did it, deliberately. she changed my friend's seat, separating us so we wont talk. But Jiana says, ' Girls can talk with anybody anywhere ' ; at least thats what I remembered, most likely im wrong. :x
got extremely disheartened whenever I see her again, and again for english and class. :( its boring~ and slow.
alittle better than the other science tcher.. thinking abt it again, I think there is NO difference. they are the same kind, irritating and boring.
Does anybody agrees with me, or thinks the same. ;p
im a irritating person too. :]

Pathetic, im pathetic. cant agree more that im dumb. ): Guess how much i scored for ss, although half the class passed. 3/12. thats like 25/100 only. im flunking my subjects badly now. and its TA2, pulling my grades down. even though its already E8, this time it should be a F9. hais.

I cant believe it, im this bad already, and I aint working hard now.